Expo 2015 Milan - Guide to the pavilions, what to see and how to get there

EXPO 2015 MILAN: A brief guide on everything you need to know about Expo 2015. All the information on the pavilions of the Universal Exposition, how to get to the Expo, opening hours, where to park, what to see and where to buy tickets.

Expo 2015 Milan pavilion guide logo how to get there
The logo of Expo 2015 Milan

EXPO 2015 MILAN: Brief guide to the pavilions, what to see and how to get there

An area of ​​approximately 1.1 million square meters in the northwest area of ​​Milan with also part of the territory of Pero and Rho. The exhibition site aims to unite the countryside and the city, it is an agri-food park with orthogonal layouts and surrounded by water channels.

Expo 2015: From Friday 1 May to Saturday 31 October, the Universal Exposition dedicated to the theme of food and nutrition is held in Milan, entitled: “Feeding the Planet: Energies for Life” . For 6 months, Milan will be a showcase of food in all its forms and aspects through thematic itineraries that connect the areas and spaces of the Exhibition Site: History of man, stories of food; Abundance and deprivation, the paradox of the contemporary; The future of food; Sustainable food = fair world; Taste is knowledge. Visitors expected at the event are over 20 million.

In fact, if food and nutrition are the themes of Expo 2015, there is no shortage of refreshment points: more than 150 restaurants, bars and kiosks where it is possible to taste food from all over the world, ranging from haute cuisine to street food : each country presents its specialties in the pavilions. All this combined with a series of events related to Expo, which will take place both within the exhibition area and in the city of Milan.




EXPO 2015 MILAN: Times and information

The opening period of Expo 2015 is from May 1st to October 31st 2015, and it is open every day from 10.00 to 23.00. It is also possible to choose the ticket with evening entrance (price 5 euros) from 19.00 to 23.00

For all the information it is possible to consult the official EXPO 2015 website , and stay updated on news and events through the official pages on the major social networks: Facebook , Twitter , Youtube , LinkedIn , Pinterest and Instagram . Or you can call the Expo 2015 infoline directly on 020 2015, active from 9.00 to 20.00.

is active on Twitter , available 7 days a week, from 9.00 to 20.00 (during the weekends until 23.00) and in Italian and English, through which users can ask questions relating to purchase of tickets, on events, on how to get to the Expo and how to move around.


Expo 2015 Milan exhibition map pavilions parking entrances palazzo italia
Map of Expo 2015 Milan – All pavilions

Expo 2015 thematic websites

The Expo 2015 official website connects to various information portals depending on the theme:
Expo2015 Magazine : portal/blog with news, events, articles and interviews related to the universal exposition.
Wonderful Expo (Tourism portal) : site dedicated to promoting tourism in Italy, with itineraries, guides and suggestions on places to visit in the Bel Paese.
Worldrecipes Expo2015 : very interesting portal with thousands of recipes and traditional dishes from all over the world.

EXPO 2015 MILAN: Tickets – How much they cost and how to buy them

Tickets for Expo 2015 can be purchased online on the official website or directly at the cash desks in front of the entrance. Or in Milan at the Expo Gate (located in Piazza Cairoli), at the Infopoint in the Central Station or at authorized dealers .

It is possible to purchase the following types of ticket:
fixed date ticket , at the price of 34 Euros (reduced price and 29 Euros for students up to 25 years of age, for over 65s, 17 Euros for the disabled and children up to 13 children from 0 to 3 enter for free.)
ticket for an open date , at the price of 39 euros (it is possible to set the date on the MyExpo )
Season Pass : gives free access to Expo 2015 for its entire duration at the price of 115 Euros
Evening ticket : allows entry to the exhibition from 19.00 to 23.00 and costs 5 Euros.
Great for saving – It is also possible to buy booklets for two or three consecutive days or not, family and school packages .

Booking a visit to the Exhibition for a fixed date is not mandatory, but it is advisable given that the daily limit of admissions is 250,000 people. With the entrance ticket you can access all the pavilions and all the events of Expo 2015, excluding the Cirque du Soleil show, "Alla Vita" (which takes place from 13 May to 30 August, from Wednesday to Friday, at the Open Air Theater, located near the Tree of Life).

EXPO 2015 MILAN: How to get there – Transport and connections

The Milan Expo 2015 area is located in the Rho-Pero , which borders Milan to the northwest. You can easily reach the place by subway, train or car.

ticket to reach Expo is in force , valid on the ATM and Trenord networks, costing 5 euros return. There is also the possibility of buying a day ticket for the price of 8 euros. "I travel anywhere in Lombardy" ticket it is possible to reach Rho Fiera for just 16 euros. Trenord for suburban trains has a fare from all stations in Milan starting at 4.4 euros.

Reach Expo 2015 by subway

The exhibition center is connected by the red line of the Milan underground ( Rho Fiera ). The ticket costs 2.50 euros one way. The last subway ride is at 00.10. Website of the Milan Metro.

Reach Expo 2015 by train

In addition to the subway, Expo Milano 2015 can count on direct Trenitalia connections.
Rho Fiera Milano is also connected to the Milan stations with the S5-S6-S14 suburban lines. For those coming from Monza, Seregno and Como there is the S11 line. Italo Treno is promoting a 40% discount on tickets for Milan Rho-Fiera.

Reaching Expo 2015 by plane – connection with the airports

From Malpensa, Linate and Orio al Serio airports there are shuttles that reach the center of Milan: from here you can reach the exhibition site by train or underground. From Malpensa there is also the Malpensa Express , which allows you to reach the Cadorna for the price of 12 Euros.

Reach Expo 2015 by car

The Rho-Pero exhibition center is located in the immediate vicinity of the A4 and A8 motorways Pero-Fiera Milano and Fiera Milano motorway exits . Those who reach Expo 2015 by car have four paid parking spaces at their disposal, with prices around 12.50 Euros (reservation required). The car parks are connected with a free shuttle to the various Expo entrances . The four car parks are: Merlata (connected to the southern access), FieraMilano (connected to the western access), Arese and Trenno (connected to the eastern Roserio access).

Expo 2015 Milan transport map subway train connections how to reach
How to reach Expo 2015 Milan – transport map and connections with underground and trains

EXPO 2015 MILAN: How to move between the pavilions of the Universal Exposition

The Expo 2015 exhibition area is located north-west of Milan, in Rho-Pero. The main access is the West one, near the "Fiorenza" and "Triulza" , the closest for those arriving by subway or train. The West access is located right in front of Pavilion Zero , which introduces the main theme of the Expo, namely the relationship between man and food. The South and East accesses, "Merlata" and "Roserio" are close to the Italian Pavilion and are connected to the car parks with a footbridge.

The entire Expo area, which extends over 110 hectares, is organized like an Ancient Roman camp: the Decumanus forms a long main street from east to west, one and a half kilometers long, overlooked by the pavilions of the 135 nations participate in the exhibition. The Decumanus is crossed by a shorter avenue, the Cardo , which extends from north to south and is entirely occupied by the Italian Pavilion. The South entrance leads directly onto the Cardo, while the East entrance coincides with the final point of the Decumanus.

Expo 2015 Milan CARDO DECUMANO

The main theme of Expo 2015 is "Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life" . The objective of the Exhibition is to spread awareness that all nations must cooperate and contribute so that all human beings have water and food, combined with eco-sustainable development, so that the planet moves towards a balance between the resources consumed and the availability of food for the entire world population.

The largest structure at the Universal Exposition is the Italy Pavilion , with approximately 13,300 m2 spread over five different structures, located entirely on the Cardo. The main showcase of the Italian nation is represented by the Palazzo Italia together with the Tree of Life , an enormous structure in wood and steel located in the center of the Lake Arena , a large water basin. Palazzo Italia is spread over six floors with exhibition spaces, restaurants and events and conferences dedicated to the products and typical dishes of the Italian culinary tradition.

Expo 2015 Milan Italian pavilion
Italy Pavilion – Expo 2015 Milan

From the west entrance you can reach the Expo center and Pavilion Zero which tells the story of food and man's relationship with nature over the centuries.

In addition to the Italian pavilion, Expo hosts 53 other pavilions and 9 thematic clusters , collective pavilions that bring together countries sharing the same gastronomic culture.

People Mover shuttle service is available which follows a clockwise route along the perimeter of the exhibition space. The shuttle makes 10 stops, located at strategic points of the event and is active every day from 9.00 to 24.00. Expo map with People Mover shuttle stops: http://www.arriva.it/documents/10180/e7c13e78-f855-4c75-80ad-b445db9c03b0

The 9 clusters of Expo 2015

  • Rice Cluster – Abundance and safety
    The Rice Cluster welcomes the visitor with a landscape that recalls an immense rice field: the intention is to convey the atmosphere of the countryside, with its colors and scents. Rice, one of the first cereals cultivated by man, has spread over the centuries from the Chinese valleys all over the world and has diversified into a myriad of different types and varieties. Inside the Rice Cluster, the visitor traces the history of rice, between tradition and innovation , through the pavilions of the various countries. Countries: Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Myanmar, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Basmati Pavilion.
  • Expo 2015 Milan rice cluster abundance and safety
    Rice cluster: abundance and security – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Cocoa and Chocolate Cluster – The food of the Gods
    The Cocoa and Chocolate Cluster wants to immerse the visitor in a jungle, like the places where cocoa is grown: a series of poles of different heights and shapes are installed between the pavilions of the cluster , which resemble the shape of plantation trees in tropical areas. Excellent play of light which, like in a forest, penetrates from above and spreads between the pavilions. Countries: Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Gabon, Ghana, Sao Tome Principe.
  • Expo 2015 Milan cocoa and chocolate cluster
    Cluster of cocoa and chocolate – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Coffee Cluster – The energy of ideas
    The Coffee Cluster , curated by Illy , is centered around coffee and its journey from the bean to the cup, passing through the stories and traditions of the growing and consuming countries. The Cluster is inspired by the coffee plantations in Africa and Central America: the architecture of the spaces, with warm tones and natural colors, in fact recalls the branches of the trees in the shade of which the coffee plants grow, while the pavilions are a metaphor of their trunks. Countries: Burundi, El Salvador, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Yemen, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Timor-Leste.
  • Expo 2015 Milan illy coffee cluster energy ideas
    Coffee cluster: energy of ideas – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Fruit and Legumes
    Cluster In there are fruit trees of all kinds arranged around a central square, above which a wooden roof resembling a pergola is installed. between this cluster and the spice cluster there is a market where visitors can stop and buy products such as legumes, fruits or various spices. Countries: Benin, Gambia, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uzbekistan, Zambia.
  • Expo 2015 Milan cluster fruit legumes
    Fruit and legumes cluster – Expo 2015 Milan
  • The World of Spices
    The world of spices is closely linked to the history of travel and ancient trade routes: the mere term spice brings to mind the colours, scents and charm of exotic and distant lands. Although spices and aromatic herbs have been the protagonists and valuable trade goods along the ancient trade routes, nowadays they are rediscovering a new diffusion, thanks to globalization and more demanding consumers and healthier eating habits. The cluster displays the maps that guided explorers to discover the world and in search of spices, and in the real pavilions there are tastings, installations and events . Countries: Afghanistan, Brunei Darussalam, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu.
  • Expo 2015 Milan spice cluster Tanzania Afghanistan Brunei Vanuatu
    Cluster: The World of Spices – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Cereals and Tubers Cluster – Old and new crops
    Cereals and tubers , grown, exported and sold for millennia, are the most widespread foods in the world and have influenced the meeting of civilizations, exchanges between peoples, food and culture of many people on the planet. Cereals (of which there are tens of thousands of different varieties) represent the basis of the diet of the majority of the world's population as they have beneficial nutritional properties and are low in cost. Even tubers (precious sources of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins) are the staple food for over one million people in developing countries. The pavilion immerses the visitor in a set of colours, surfaces and scents that refer to the cultivation of the land. Finally, a large covered space hosts events and an area where you can taste typical dishes of the countries belonging to the Cluster. Countries: Bolivia, Congo, Haiti, Mozambique, Togo, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.
  • Expo 2015 Milan cereals tubers bolivia colombia haiti mozambique togo venezuela zimbawe
    Cluster: cereals and tubers – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Bio-Mediterranean Cluster – Health, beauty and harmony
    The Bio-Mediterranean Cluster (of which the Sicily region is the official partner) presents the products of Mediterranean cuisine such as olive oil, bread and wine. Food, in Mediterranean countries, does not only represent the act of eating, but refers to many aspects of social and cultural life. Furthermore, the Mediterranean diet not only offers health benefits, but guarantees and preserves biodiversity as its crops are in line with sustainability criteria. In the central area of ​​the Cluster there are some open kitchens where it is possible to watch the food being prepared. The cluster shows how the Mediterranean Sea, which unites Europe, Africa and Asia, is a melting pot of peoples, where cultures, customs and landscapes merge and mix. Countries: Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Malta, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Tunisia.
  • Expo 2015 Milan organic cluster mediterranean albania algeria egypt gracie lebanon malta montenegro san marino serbia tunisia
    Bio-Mediterranean cluster: Expo 2015 Milan
  • Cluster Islands, sea and food
    The pavilions of the Islands are covered by a large bamboo roof and the walls are dotted with phrases from characters who evoke epic voyages across the seas from all over the world, such as Homer, Conrad, Columbus or Darwin. At the end of the Cluster is the refreshment and events area, with a cube where underwater images are projected, giving the impression of actually being under water. The intent is to stimulate the visitor through the sounds, colors and smells typical of the sea and its islands, but also to remember the global challenge to safeguard the ecosystem: floods, salinity and soil erosion, the 'increased rainfall can endanger the balance and the economy of these places. Countries: Cape Verde, Comoros Islands, Caribbean Islands (Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname), Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Maldives.
  • Expo 2015 Milan cluster islands sea food
    Cluster: islands, sea and food – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Arid Zones Cluster – Agriculture and food in arid zones
    Sandstorms and lack of water: these are the main images around which the pavilions of the Arid Zones Cluster . At the centre, the problem of living in territories that are extremely lacking in water. The solutions to deal with this problem range from the correct management of water resources, from the collection of rainwater to the conservation of ground water, by adopting innovative agricultural practices. The pavilions of the cluster are dominated by many semi-transparent cylinders that hang from the ceiling, while the walls look like stones blown by the winds of a sandstorm. Finally, a water fountain in the common space symbolizes the oases of the desert. Countries: Eritrea, Djibouti, Mauritania, Mali, Palestine, Senegal, Somalia, Jordan.
  • Expo 2015 Milan cluster arid zones supply
    Cluster: arid areas – Expo 2015 Milan

The thematic areas of Expo 2015

The Thematic Areas are exhibition itineraries that interpret and develop the Expo theme under various aspects.

  • Pavilion Zero
    Introduces the visit to Expo 2015: theme of the pavilion, the evolution of man and his relationship with nature throughout history.
  • Expo 2015 Milan guides pavilion zero
    Pavilion Zero – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Future Food District
    The theme is the "Supermarket of the future": a vision of how new technologies can change the world of retail and the relationship of people with the world of food. The area was created in collaboration with Coop and consists of a pavilion called the Supermarket and an Exhibition Area square.
  • Expo 2015 Milan future food
    Future Food – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Children Park
    Play and discovery area dedicated to children. It is located behind the Chinese pavilion.
  • Expo 2015 Milan children park
    Children Park – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Biodiversity Park
    The Biodiversity Park is the Thematic Area of ​​Expo Milano 2015 dedicated to biodiversity: extending over an area of ​​8,500 square meters, it includes, inside, a park, a theater and two pavilions, the first dedicated to the organic world and the second dedicated to the Biodiversity Exhibition. The aim is to enhance Italian environmental, agricultural and agri-food excellence. The Biodiversity Park represents a five-stage itinerary that takes visitors through five different landscapes that characterize the Italian peninsula: the Alps, the Apennines, the Po Valley, Tavolieri and plateaus, islands and urban agro-biodiversity. The route begins with a path which then turns into a country road, and subsequently into a sheep track, ending in the mule track that runs along the coast. The Organic and Natural Pavilion is structured into six thematic areas: Seeds, cereals, legumes and derivatives, Fruit, vegetables and processed products, Oil and wine, Farm products, Herbal medicine, supplements, well-being, Services, technologies, training, certification. Inside the pavilion there is also an area dedicated to the Bio Store.
  • Expo 2015 Milan leads Biodiversity park pavilions
    Biodiversity park – Expo 2015 Milan
  • Arts & Foods
    Exhibition centered around food and its representation in paintings, furnishings, objects, sculptures, appliances, photographs, menus, books, record covers.

Expo 2015 Food and Beverage

Restaurants, self-services, bars and cafes, kiosks and Street Food: